Gledališče Glej, 18. 9. 2014

Avdicija za Izkrivljanje tac

V Gledališču Glej bo 18. in 19. septembra med 11.00 in 15.00 potekala dvodnevna avdicija za predstavo Izkrivljanje tac v režiji Erica Deana Scotta.

Na avdiciji iščejo igralce in igralke, ki bodo na odru nastopili v spodaj opisanih vlogah, v teh bodo uprizorili različne starostne skupine (starejši najstniki, med dvajsetim in tridesetim letom, v treh vlogah pa lahko nastopijo tudi nekaj let starejši igralci).

Predhodne izkušnje niso pogoj, vendar so dobrodošle. Avdicija bo potekala v kombinaciji z delavnico, zaželjena je prisotnost na obeh dneh avdicije. Priprave na predstavo bodo intenzivne in potekale večkrat tedensko. Prijave na avdicijo pri režiserju predstave Ericu Deanu Scottu (, 031 719789).

Premiera predstave v angleškem jeziku bo 21. novembra ob 20.00 v Gledališču Glej.

Opis vlog:

  • Trip Rohrbacher. A violent, delusional, drug-fueled rocker on a dangerous quest to reclaim his ex-girlfriend Kate. He's the quintessential hot young longhaired singer.
  • Kate Havens. Trip's ex, now returned from New York to her hometown of San Antonio, who has traded in rock n roll for a quieter life. She is now engaged to marry Nunzio.
  • Riley Merrick. A lounge singer and not-so-radical feminist performance artist. She is unquestionably sexy but most certainly insecure. Kate's housemate and closest friend.
  • Chase Havens. Kate's younger brother, smart and funny, closeted, and agoraphobic. He has a baby that is probably not a real living child, though the others act as if it is.
  • Max Hidalgo. A Latino bisexual male escort and aspiring poet who very willingly passes for White. Trip's best friend and roommate in New York, and a longtime friend of Kate's.
  • Nunzio. An attractive Italian fashion photographer with a startling number of allergies who lives with, and is engaged to marry, Kate.
  • Janis Joplin. Trip's vision of the rock n roll icon. She is his confessor, protector, and a friendly foil who may now be living vicariously through Trip's indulgences.
  • St. Dymphna, Patroness of the Insane. The manifestation of Chase's secret desires. She is given to wild poetic rants and serves to push Chase toward his destiny.
  • Blue Bird of Happiness. Kate's muse, and anything but happy about it. He is festooned, somewhat ridiculously, in blue feathers.
  • Sandy Merrick. Riley's mother, a nouveau-riche society climber for whom appearances are everything.
  • Clay Merrick. Sandy's son and Riley's younger brother. A very urban cowboy.
  • Julie. A seventeen-year-old disgraced cheerleader with an escalating taste for sex, drugs, and musicians.



Povezani dogodki

Gledališče Glej, 15. 6. 2009
Kaj pa je tu smešnega?
Gledališče Glej, 4. 4. 2023
Delavnica feedback metode z Bushem Hartshornom
Gledališče Glej, 20. 5. 2009
Ponovitve Iz Principa!