Boglàrka Börcsök, Eszter Salamon

Muzej Valeske Gert

Botschaft Gbr / Alexandra Wellensiek, Studio E.S / Elodie Perrin, Mesto žensk, PACT Zollverein (Essen), Théâtre des Amandiers (Nanterre)
Trajanje: 120 min.
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Umetniška vodja: Eszter Salamon
Umetniško sodelovanje: Boglàrka Börcsök
Performans: Boglàrka Börcsök, Eszter Salamon
Luči: Sylvie Garot
Tehnični vodja: Matteo Bambi
S podporo: Fondation Boghossian-Villa Empain, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, the Regional Directory of Cultural Affairs of Paris – Ministry of Culture and Communication and the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ (NPN), Coproduction Fund for Dance for Dance, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag and Fonds Transfabrik, a german – french Fund for Performing Arts.
Organizacija: Mesto žensk. V sodelovanju z MG+MSUM.
S podporo Francoski inštitut v Sloveniji, Ballasijev inštitut.