Gledališče Glej, 28. 9. 2009

Češki Svet obsojenih v Gleju!

V sredo 30. ob 20h v Gledališču Glej z veseljem napovedujemo gostovanje predstave praškega Spitfire Company, Svet obsojenih (World of the condemned), fizičnega gledališča z action slikanjem.

Gre za plesno in likovno fresko o občutjih napuha, netolerance in nezmožnosti medsebojnega razumevanja v režiji Petra Boháča. V vsaki predstavi nastane izvirna slika Jana Mika.


Gostovanje je del mednarodnega projekta DNA v katerem sodeluje tudi Glej in v okviru katerega bomo v Ljubljano pripeljali še nekaj vidnejših predstav manjših evropskih odrov.

We play to kill some time, we play to kill ourselves. We hate others because we can’t love, we can’t love because we hate ourselves. The essential purpose of the project is to connect physical theatre with an active painting of Jan Miko. Feelings of vanity, intolerance and the impossibili­ty of understanding are explored throughout the production. During the one hour long performance, a new original painting is made in the presence of the audience. The performance of the dancers and actors directly influences the painting itself. The result is the production of a piece including dance, physical theatre and an action painting. The connection is clear mostly at the moment when the principal (the alter ego of the painter himself) steps inside the painting.

Gledališče Glej, 22. 3. 2013
Osebne izkaznice bogov
Gledališče Glej, 27. 12. 2011
Glej, prošnja!
Gledališče Glej, 5. 10. 2016
ŠtudenTeater 2.0