Slovenski center ITI, 17. 7. 2009

Theatre Course in Austria

25. - 31. oktober 2009
"Theatre Course in Austria - 5 places with discount"


International Physical Theatre Laboratory

under the direction of Sergei Ostrenko (Russia)


October 25-31, 2009

Retzhof Castle
Leitring bei Leibnitz, Austria

The Lab is offering five places for reduced participation fee - 295 EUR.
The fee covers participation in the programme, six nights of accommodation and three meals per day. The programme includes intensive practical training, lectures, discussions and participation in the two-day performing arts conference.

The Lab will take place in Leitring bei Leibnitz, the picturesque town located within 30 min from Graz Thalerhof Airport, 2.5h from Vienna by car, 40 min from Graz by car, and 20 minutes from the Slovenian border. The programme will take place in the historic castle of the 16th century. Accommodation and meals are organized for the group.

Participants: actors of physical, dramatic, dance and musical theatres, circus performers, dancers, choreographers and directors.

Physical Theatre Lab is open to performers from different creative genres and techniques inspired by Physical Theatre as a bold, vibrant and multidimensional approach to contemporary theatre performance. Participants will explore Physicality as the principal creative instrument, the key to form, style, atmosphere and emotional palette in contemporary performance.


To apply for participation with the discount, candidates should send CV/résumé with photo and a letter of motivation stating the dates of the event to Alex Weller, Project Coordinator If you are applying for reduced participation fee, please include the request in your cover letter.

More details:   


Photo Gallery of the past events:


International Physical Theatre Laboratory