Legal disclaimer

The contents of the web portal and the contents of the portal's individual web pages are copyrighted according to the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Act – ZASP (OJ RS, No. 16/2007 and amend.).

Institute Novi ZATO. has made every attempt to ensure full respect of moral copyrights and performers’ rights, thus the authorship and sources of contents provided at the Sigledal web portal are mentioned wherever appropriate data is available. Any notices about the inaccuracy or inconsistencies in the references of authorship and sources can be communicated to the address NOVI ZATO., Rebelčja vas 15c, 2250 Ptuj.


The web portal is a free and public portal. Its purpose is to provide access to the digital archives of Slovenian theatre production for educational and research purposes. The entire content included at the site can be displayed, printed, or downloaded for personal use only. Any use for purposes that lead to economic gain is prohibited.

Any other use of contents and other information available at the portal or on individual web portal’s (sub)pages is prohibited, unless expressly authorised (in writing) by Institute Novi ZATO. and other holders of copyright, performers’, and related rights. It is strictly prohibited to publicly reproduce, distribute, publicly display or transmit, or otherwise make available to the public the copyrighted materials and other contents included in the site in any form or manner. The contents included in the site should also not be used for advertising or other purposes that lead to economic gain.

Logos and other identifications published on the web portal are protected as trademarks or service marks according to Industrial Property Act – ZIL (OJ RS, No. 51/2006 and amend.) and other rules in force in the Republic of Slovenia. Any use of logos and similar identifications without express written permission of their holders can be construed as a breach of exclusive intellectual property rights.

The operator of the web portal Institute Novi ZATO. will make every effort to provide accurate contents and information at the web portal However, the Institute may not be held responsible for any delay in updating the web portal’s information and makes no warranties that the information and contents are authentic, error-free, or checked at the time of user access.

Due to regular technical maintenance, temporary errors in the functioning of or interrupted access to the web portal or its (sub)pages can occur.

Institute Novi ZATO. will make every effort to eliminate all errors or malfunctioning without undue delay. However, the Institute will not be liable or otherwise responsible for any harm or damage resulting from errors in the web portal’s functioning or from interrupted access to the web portal or its individual (sub)pages.